In response to a question about treating reflexes, here is my insight on how this process takes place, based on observation and study since 1987 (and prior careers, as well):
There is a repetitive sequence. The tiny little organism that is a human being, even before birth, will experience a reflex, this leads to a whole body motor pattern, and in the infant and toddler, leads to mobility, which changes their relationship to the sensory world. So, growth is a progression from reflex to whole body pattern, to mobility, to sensory growth. Reflex, movement, sensation.
I have noted this before, but as the sciences related to brain growth and development have progressed over several decades, there was a period of time when there was great excitement about movement, which began with Edu-K (among other approaches), which evolved into Brain Gym; then there was the ‘everyone has a Sensory Integration Disorder’ phase, so everyone was dealing with sensation; we have now come to the phase of excitement about ‘retained primitive reflexes’.
In the meantime, NeuroDevelopmental Movement® (NDM® has been moving through reflex, movement, mobility, sensation, guiding the child in an upward spiral of ever more sophisticated integration since the 1960s.