Physical vs. Emotional Disabilities
Here’s the comment: It should be noted that physical disabilities have decreased as NeuroDevelopmental disorders have INCREASED. And yet, there is so little out there to address most NeuroDevelopmental disorders! Here’s my answer: My colleague in London feels this is in part the result of the Nanny State. Not sure if I fully agree, but […]
Involuntary Eye Movement
Involuntary eye movement is a neurological issue that is one of the features of ADHD, but could also be a feature of any number of other neurological challenges. A child who has PDD-NOS, a child with OCD, cerebral palsy, and a number of other conditions may have eyes that are unstable. In addition to the […]
I just got a diagnosis…now what?
Remember that in mental health diagnoses, the label is a description of the presenting behavior, not a sound analysis of the causes or drivers of that behavior. In a sense, it leaves you no further ahead…or behind. It just describes what is, on the basis of a specific list of criteria. This does not change your course of action, which should […]
Q: A friend’s child has been diagnosed with hemiplegia. Can NeuroDevelopmental Movement® help her? A: Yes, the NeuroDevelopmental Movement® (NDM®) work would be an appropriate approach, and here is something about NDM® that is hard for people to ‘get’: We don’t treat particular diagnoses. What we treat are any gaps in the developmental profile. Hemiplegia […]
Help! It’s the holidays and my child is falling apart!
The holiday time with all of the lights, the general excitement, does penetrate their consciousness and I am wondering if that is part of your child’s dysregulation this month. To keep things moving forward, you might want to consider keeping it low key, regular bedtimes, no change in diet (i.e. keep the treats low), etc. […]
Does NeuroDevelopmental Movement® help with vision issues related to Dyslexia?
Question: I can’t remember if NDM® helps with vision issues related to dyslexia or not. Doing some reading about possible dyslexia treatments and before we travel that new and potentially expensive road, wanted to check in and see if this is an area that the NDM will be helping. Thanks, Bette! F Hello F […]
Do you mean I should NOT let my baby walk when s/he wants? Why shouldn’t I push my child to walk and talk?
Babies go through the developmental sequence each at their own pace. I don’t discourage any of the wonderful growth that a child does. I only discourage parents from trying to push past the initial and necessary activities of the first year in favor of cortical activities. No one can say that an infant who is […]
Attachment Therapy and NeuroDevelopmental Movement®.
In response to a parent’s question: A good attachment therapist is critical. There are attachment therapists who require NeuroDevelopmental Movement® as a prerequisite to the attachment work because of the way it changes the brain and allows the kids more capacity to attach, but it does not do the attachment work per se. That is, […]
Are my O.T. exercises the same as NeuroDevelopmental Movement®?
Comment: I never heard of NDM® until I happened on this site. Our child was very young when we started O.T. and they did do a lot of brain reorganization exercises like obstacle courses although I’m not sure that is at all like NDM®. Response: The brain reorganization exercises you worked with challenge the cortical […]
We have discovered a healthiness we didn’t even know existed!
I am a lucky mom working with Bette Lamont when she comes to our state. For those who have been debating about whether or not to do NeuroDevelopmental Movement®, I want to just share a thought… I had no intention of doing any more interventions with my daughter (8 years, adopted from China at 1). […]